What should I do if no author is available?
Start with a key word from the first piece of information you have. Punctuate the key word the way it appears on the Works Cited page (either quotation marks or italics).
Do I have to double-space?
Yes! The entire page should be double-spaced--this includes the outline and the Works Cited page.
How do I write a date when documenting?
MLA Style documentation uses inverted dates. To write in this format, write the day, month, and year in this order without punctuation. An example would be 22 June 2010. All months are abbreviated except for May, June, and July.
In what order do I write my Works Cited page?
The order is alphabetical by the first word in the entry, which is usually the author's last name. If the author is not provided use the first word of the title of the article. The ONLY exception: If the first word is "a," "an," or "the," you use the second word to alphabetize; however, include these three articles at the beginning of the citation.
Should I underline or use italics?
Underlining and using italics are interchangeable, but choose one and be consistent. Italics are becoming more common.
How do I indent correctly for the entries?
Begin the first line of the entry at the left margin. Type all the way to the right margin. If the entry is longer than one line, the additional lines should be indented five spaces. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the first line, press enter, then use the space bar to indent five spaces.
Should I have a page number on the Works Cited page?
Yes, page numbers continue through the Works Cited page.
What if I still have questions?
See Mrs. Reynolds in the library or ask your English teacher.